The one "YES"
in a nest of millions of no's
with Margarete Tüshaus
29 May - 1 June 2024
For decades, I have been moving Alexander's principles in my heart, head and stomach... They are like fixed stars in Alexander's sky and, depending on the "weather conditions", are sometimes easier and sometimes harder to recognize. Sometimes they give off a clear starry image and sometimes they only shimmer down to me dimly. At times, some shine more and others less brightly.
I am currently rediscovering PRIMARY CONTROL as a clear and comforting YES in the midst of millions of NOs.

I have already emphasized the importance of the "other end of the story", the tail, as a counterpart to the neck and head at the congress in Berlin. This results in an unconditional degree of freedom of the sacrum in relation to the pelvic blades, which has become decisive for me.
I experience the primary flow along the head-tail connection as a healing "home" in the midst of the demands and sometimes fragmentation of everyday life.
At the same time, I also understand how the dance of the senses in and around the head carries the "responsibility" of being with the greatest possible ease and grace. Head leads...body follows....
Collect yourself, focus yourself, come home to yourself, physically! - that is the challenge of our multimedia age.
The previously somewhat abstract concept of primary control has come to life for me in the course of my latest research.
I am delighted to be able to share these new insights with you.
I am just as interested in your needs and questions.
It has been a long time since I was able to conduct research with you colleagues as part of a postgraduate program. I look forward to seeing old and new faces.
From 29 May 2024 at 19:00
To 1 June 2024 at 17:00
Hof Tueshaus, Weselerstr.433, 46286 Dorsten
350,- € Alexander Alliance Postgrads
380,- € early bird until 29 April 2024
405,- € normal fee
Payments to:
Alexander Alliance Europe
"Workshop Margarete Tüshaus May24"
DE 28 4306 0967 1289 6190 00
You can sign up for homemade dinner (2x) plus lunch (2x): 46,-€
Accommodation possible at Hof Tueshaus,
Contact Margarete Tueshaus,,
Provided if needed