Personal Development Program & Teacher Training
Alexander Alliance
in Germany

The Alexander Alliance Germany serves as our hub school in Europe. Most of our trainees live in Germany, however we have had people throughout Europe, from Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Latvia, and Denmark travel to study and learn from us.
Our structure for training is built upon a five-tiered model.
One, in fall, spring, and summer we leave our homes and jobs behind us and immerse ourselves in the work. Essentially, we study together from morning till night for 9 days. Time seems to expand and by the end of a retreat we feel as if we have all been together studying, learning, and enjoying ourselves for a month.
Two, we connect these long events with monthly weekend intensives, 16 hour weekends of training. We continue to practice what we have learned during our retreats. New and important material is layered into our curriculum as well.
Three, regular study groups then meet in person or via Skype for practice and discussions on readings and personal projects.
Four, personal projects undertaken by the trainees are ongoing as each delves into Alexander's work in relation to related fields of study: other somatic disciplines, movement therapies, psychology, philosophy, medicine, spirituality, wellness, performing arts, etc.
Five, self-study themes are given to trainees to be explored and integrated into their daily lives.
Our training changes lives. Lifetime friendships are formed. Many find a community/school which becomes their educational home, a home where they are welcomed to return.
Consider visiting us.