A Gathering of the Alexander Community
18-19 October 2024
Alexander Alliance International is hosting inclusive, non-hierarchical, collaborative spaces for sharing the many styles and forms of the Alexander Technique, and for furthering our collective skill in presenting the Work to the world.
The Sharing Lab offers a new way for the international Alexander Technique community to gather and share our collective experience, ongoing questions, and most effective teaching tools and paradigms as we each endeavor to make the Work more accessible in today’s world.​

​Alexander Alliance International is hosting inclusive, non-hierarchical, collaborative spaces for sharing the many styles and forms of the Alexander Technique, and for furthering our collective skill in presenting the Work to the world.
The Sharing Lab offers a new way for the international Alexander Technique community to gather and share our collective experience, ongoing questions, and most effective teaching tools and paradigms as we each endeavor to make the Work more accessible in today’s world.
In this non-hierarchical, supportive environment, there are no leaders nor paid teachers. There are no organizations nor societies. There are only teachers and trainees - people who love the Work and who need to make a living. The space is specifically designed to allow anyone the opportunity to ask a question, and everyone the opportunity to offer their experience around the question. It is an arena where we can all benefit from the combined experience of each other, regardless of lineage or affiliations or teaching experience or style.
The first Sharing Lab was hosted in Santa Fe, NM (USA) this past August ‘24 by the Contemporary Alexander School (AA/USA) and the AT Liberation Project, and was a huge success. We gathered in one space to share our most effective material, forms, and teaching practices; as well as create new strategies for addressing issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity within our teaching, which was a theme the group chose to explore deeply over our 5 days together.
The Alexander Alliance International is dedicated to hosting Sharing Labs worldwide, and to support others in learning to host Labs in their own communities. As we gather, with open-mindedness, creativity, curiosity, skill, and heart - who knows what might happen?
We might:
learn how to do something differently
experience very different styles, and starting learning how to do them
expand your idea of what the Work looks and feels like
find new vocabulary
learn from the experience of teachers who have been in practice longer than you
learn how students and teachers newer to the Work understand it in today’s culture
notice your habitual way of understanding the principles, and make new choices
re-define what the Work is about for you
learn skills for taking the Work into communities you’d never thought of reaching
learn some practical tools for making your practice more accessible
make new friends and connect to the AT community in a new way
be inspired to transform your practice
fall in love with the Work all over again
Please join us this October ‘24 in Einbeck, Germany for the first European Sharing Lab.

18 - 19 October 2024
09:30 - 12:30 sharing time
13:00 lunch
15:00 - 18:00 sharing time
18:30 dinner
09:30 - 12:30 sharing time
13:00 lunch
optional - join us for our graduation ceremony and party
optional Sunday
09:30 - 12:30 training
if you like, you can join us for the wrap up of the training week
Seminar house Einbecker Sonnenberg, Am Brockenblick, 37574 Einbeck, Germany
75,- € (plus accomodation and food)
Payments to:
Alexander Alliance Europe
"The Sharing Lab Oct24"
DE 28 4306 0967 1289 6190 00
​Accommodation and food?
Accomodation and full board is possible at Einbecker Sonnenberg
Translation will be provided, if needed